Ammar Bin Wahid

Doctoral candidate

Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL)
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Notkestrasse 85
22607 Hamburg




Doctoral project

Attosecond charge dynamics in molecules and more complex systems

Attosecond science has opened new frontiers in understanding the atomic/molecular processes occurring at their natural time scales. However, many fundamental questions such how change in structural behavior can affect the physical and chemical properties of molecules, and many others are still to be unfold.

In this project, the FS-ATTO beamline in Hamburg and high-intensity XUV beamline in Lund will be used to investigate the molecular charge dynamics with attosecond time precision. For this, pump/probe technique will be used with XUV/soft-X ray pulses to ionize the molecule and few-cycle IR/UV pulses will act as probe to study the dynamics of the molecule. Alternatively, XUV pump with high intensities can also be used for the photo ionization of neutral molecules also probing with XUV pulses with attosecond time durations.



  • "Postcompression of picosecond pulses into the few-cycle regime", Opt. Lett. 45, 2572-2575 (2020).
  • “60 fs, 1030 nm FEL pump-probe laser based on a multi-pass postcompressed Yb:YAG source”, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation PUBDB-2020-03042 (2020).   