Data acquisition and fast decision making

Data acquisition and fast decision making is one of the school methodological focus areas. The development of intelligent instrumentation relies on advanced methods in computation and data analysis. Fast electronics and computers are required to monitor, control and acquire data. Analysis of stochastic processes and noise processing as well as “real-time/on the fly" data analysis, meaning the ability to extract insight from large amounts of data without storing all raw information, are at the basis of all the domain topics of HELIOS. These tools are already used by members of the different research groups involved in the graduate school to solve individual problems, but generally the knowledge is not sufficiently transversal to the different domains and groups. Hence, as these techniques are gaining importance both within and outside of academia (e.g. data science), we will integrate this branch of data science research into the HELIOS school. This will be done in cooperation with the DASHH and COMPUTE graduate schools for data science and computing, in which a number of the members of HELIOS are already involved.


Computing center. Credit: CERN.